Description- Upload carriers and categories in bulk by uploading a CSV / Excel file and mapping the document fields.
UseCase- Upload carriers and categories in bulk quickly.
For Bulk upload of carriers
Navigate to Carrier Module. Click on the Upload Carrier.

Click on CSV/Excel file to download a file for your reference. Create a file using the reference and upload it. Once done, click on the next step.

Once the file has been uploaded, map the InsuredMine fields to the document’s fields. To pick a field from the drop-down menu, click the arrow. The mapping of the Carrier Name field is required for the carriers to be uploaded.
Click on Next Step.

Review the mapped data. Click on Next.

Once uploaded, a success message will appear on the screen.
An email will also be sent.

You can view the uploaded carriers.

For bulk uploading of categories.
Navigate to the Category module. Click on the Upload Category.

Click on CSV/Excel file to download a file for your reference. Create a file using the reference and upload it. Once done, click on the next step.

Once the file has been uploaded, map the Insuredmine fields to the document’s fields. To pick a field from the drop-down menu, click the arrow. The mapping of the Category Name field is required for the categories to be uploaded.
Click on Next Step.

Review the mapped data and click on Next.

Once uploaded, View the new categories.