The integration between Nexsure and InsuredMine makes it easy to share important information about coverages, vehicles, and drivers. Data from Nexsure, gathered via Accord forms like 80 and 85 for coverages, and form 90 for vehicles and drivers, is seamlessly transferred to InsuredMine. This ensures that users can quickly access and utilize the data they need in InsuredMine’s interface.
Use Case: Users can easily access important data about drivers, vehicles, and coverages stored in Nexsure, directly within InsuredMine.
To View the Enhancement:

- Select the details to create a new line of business.
- Select form, date, type, and monoline.

- Now, create a policy having the same line of business within Nexsure.

- The Policy will then be synced within InsuredMine through real-time sync.

- Click on it to view policy details.
Vehicle & Driver details:


Now if you add any data within coverage and click Save:

- Click on any coverage to add data.

- The data will be visible under ‘Record Data’ within the ‘Coverage Details’ section of the policy synced with InsuredMine.”