To test the Insuredmine Mobile app follow the steps mentioned below:
- Make sure the contact name and email exist on the agency portal. If the contact doesn’t exist, then add contactdetails and enter the corresponding email address.
- Go to google play storeor apple store on your mobile download the InsuredMine app.
- On the sign-up, Sign up using the email that is registered with InsuredMine.
- You will receive an email notification for verifying the email address.
- Navigate back to the mobile app and login using the same email id and password credentials.
- After sign-up, you will be able to see the agent and agency branding on the mobile dashboard.

Add Policy and Documents (Turn Visibility ON) from agent portal under files to see it in the mobile app

Update your agent profile in the agency portal, so that the insured can view your details on the About me, Coverage I provide, States I served segments of the app.