In this article, you will learn:
The Contact Line defines the basic segmentation of contacts as Personal and Commercial.
The personal line contact shows all the personal details of the contact, such as gender, email address, postal address, phone number. The commercial line contact displays the details pertaining to organization, designation, occupation, income, a preferred avenue of communication, referrals Name, tags, etc.
In the Personal line, you will notice that First Name, Middle Name and Last Name and Account name automatically populate when you enter Full name. You can surely change the Account name as you like, but for your convenience it is set this way.

In the Commercial line, Business name is a mandatory field instead of the Contact Name. You can simply add business name with other required fields to create contact in this line. This feature is particularly helpful for adding leads from business contacts.

Copy Deal card to another pipeline stage
In the Add contact screen, the first field to the left is the Contact line.
To view and edit the Contact line column, click select the table column icon and mark contact line and click Save. The contact line column will be displayed in the contacts list. To edit the contact click on the Ellipses (…) action icon and select the Edit option, make the desired changes, and click Update.