Now you will be able to track the exact delivery time and date of an email that was scheduled to send within the workemail.
Use Case: Easily track scheduled emails with precise delivery date and time, improving accountability and ensuring timely communication.
Note: If you have scheduled the Email from anywhere within the portal, you will be able to track the delivery time within ‘Track Your Sent Emails.’
To View the Enhancement:
- Navigate to the Work Email.
- Then, click on Compose.
- Fill in the details such as the body and subject of the email.
-  Then, click on ‘Schedule Send.’
- Please specify the date and time you’d like the email to be scheduled and sent.
- Then, click on Schedule Send.
- You will then get a Success Notification: ‘Email Sent Successfully.’
- Next, track your scheduled emails by clicking on ‘Track your sent emails’
- In the ‘Sent’ column of the work email, the displayed time will reflect the scheduled time when the email was sent.