InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

release notes

Release Notes – July 2024

13th July Agent Mobile App – Add deal from Contact and Account list Page in Mobile App Engagement – Email Campaigns Auto Save as Draft

Release Notes – May 2024

11th May Accounts – Unsubscribe Marketing Transactional Field Handle as do not Contact AI – AI for Marketing Content Accounts – Image Right Integration Contacts,

Release Notes – April 2024

20th April eSignature – eSign – Return Documents Separately 6th April Accounts, Contacts – Need Search Option in the timeline for Contact360 and Account360 Accounts,

Release Notes – October 2023

14 October Notice board –Notice board for the agency Reports – Overall activities analytics eSignature –   Share and manage esignature templates with agents Forms – Tracking

Release Notes – March 2023

March 18   Account, Contact, Policies  –Attach note added to Account to policy and contact. Account, Contact-Delete forms from contact and account 360 Engagement- Download

Release Notes – February 2023

 February 25   Pipeline – Copy/Move and archive the cards from stage. Pipeline- Loss date datapoint in claim pipeline Pipeline – Close card when claim marked

Release Notes- June 2021

In this article, you will learn: 26th June Release 19th June Release 5th June Release 26th June Release Text Message- Identifying Unread Messages, Deleting messages & Recipient’s Name visibility

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