In this article, you will learn:
Want to know how your agents are performing? Want to have an updated status of your business growth? You can have a real-time analysis of the performance with an auto-refresh every 3 minutes through our pipeline leaderboard. Leaderboard helps display agents’ performance – winning deals in a dynamic environment, so the team celebrates success together. Agent notifications on performance, goals and achievements, recognition, and watching daily efforts live are advantages of this widget.
How to view the Pipeline leaderboard?
- Navigate to Pipelines
- Click on the 3-dots icon to view settings
- Select Pipeline Leaderboard
Pipeline Leaderboard features – Screen 1
- Top Weekly Producers: The total value of deals won by each agent in the current week is displayed in descending order starting with the highest achiever.
- Performance overview: The performance overview reflects the total number of deals handled by each agent with the corresponding report of the deals won and lost.
- Won deals vs Last Week: This graph shows the entire agency’s analytics relating to deals cards (pipeline cards) won in the current and previous week. The green line indicates the current week, and the orange line indicates the last week. It also shows the deal cards won on a particular day.
- Previous Week Production: The previous week’s production indicates the total value of deals won during the last week by the sales team.
- Weekly Tracker: The weekly tracker’s speedometer shows the value generated from deals won in the current week in orange and the goal target for the month placed below in white by the sales team. In a way, it also indicates how close the team is to achieve/exceed the goal. Goal target is a cumulative estimated deal value of all agents for the current week. In case the goals are not set, the goal figure will not be displayed.

Individual performance board – Screen 2
Click Next at the top right of Pipeline Leaderboard to view all the agents’ performance ranking.
Note: The play icon at the top right corner allows the system to auto-refresh the data after every 3 minutes.
The leaderboard shows the ranking of all agents with their profile pictures based on their target achievements. The agent names are displayed on the left, and the performance score (Goal & Actual) is displayed on the right side of the leaderboard.

So, Pipeline Leaderboard is the best way to engage a healthy competition within the team and flash the winner. It is ideal for display on big screens.
Enhancement: October 2020
Weekly/Monthly/Yearly View
Agents will be able to view monthly, weekly and yearly views of their sales to give them a comprehensive outlook on their progress and move forward with their goals.
Weekly view:
Just click on the NEXT button to change views

Monthly View

Yearly View
Card count for an assigned agent and who marked it as WON/LOST
Analytics of cards marked as won/lost will be available alongside the agents’ names in all the types of views.

Enhancement: August 2021
Customized Plecto Leaderboard
Users can customize the leaderboard for different Pipelines. The Leaderboard can be based on Week, Month or Year.
Note: Both admin and agent can do the Plecto leaderboard settings change
How to customize the settings of Pipeline Leaderboard?
Navigate to Pipelines
Click on the action button (3 dots) and select settings

Navigate to Pipeline Leaderboard
Select Period- Week, Month, or Year

- Select the Pipelines. (Note: you can select multiple pipelines)

- Click on Add

The created plecto leaderboard will be displayed below in the table.
You can click on the edit icon to edit or can click on the delete icon to delete it.

If you click to edit, you will get to edit the period and pipelines, once done click on update.
You can also change the position by dragging and dropping.

If you click on delete you will get a warning message asking: “ Do you really want to archive this leaderboard?”
Click on Yes to confirm

- To directly navigate to Pipeline Leaderboard click here:

- Once the Pipeline Leaderboard opens, you can also navigate back to the plecto leaderboard settings by clicking on the settings icon.