InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency


Total Revenue as Filter in Pipeline

The Total Revenue Filter in Pipeline helps users focus on deals that meet specific revenue criteria. Users can access it in the pipelines module by

Forwarding e-mail within Pipeline

Within the pipeline settings, we have a feature called “Forwarding Email.” This feature helps you handle emails on support issues or potential leads, making it

Create Custom Forms

In this article, you will learn: How to customize form settings to create a dealcard? Make following selections Option to create deal card in Pipeline

Add policy from the quote of the card.

Description: Adding a quote will automatically create a policy in the deal card. Benefit: Creating a policy is now quicker, automated, and more efficient. Navigation

Select Mandatory Fields

In this article, you will learn: Mandatory fields for Add Deals Mandatory fields for Add Contacts Add Labels in the Mandatory Fields when adding a

Download archived pipeline cards:

Description: Downloadable archived pipeline cards are available in the archived list. Benefit: Data is easier to access in the future by downloading the archived cards.

Generic filters

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