InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

User Preferences and Settings

Information about User Preferences and Settings

% Change Filter in Pipeline

Feature Release Date: 28 December, 2024 We have now added a new % Change filter within the Pipeline module for renewal pipeline type. This feature

Pipeline Timeline

Feature Release Date: 28 December, 2024 Earlier, users needed to click on individual deal card details or navigate within a specific deal card to view

Renewal Pipeline by Division

Now within Renewal Pipeline, you will be able to create  Renewal deal cards based on the division in private or shared. Use Case: Ability to

Round Robin Logic Changes

Cards Created in Private Board with Round Robin Logic: If you’ve enabled Round Robin Logic for a pipeline and selected the option to create cards

Add Carrier Option in Add Deal

With the new “Add Carrier” option, users quickly select and add carriers while creating a deal. The system automatically pulls carrier details from the existing

Pipelines – Filter By Stamp

You can now easily filter deal cards by status stamps like Cancelled, Remarketing, Rewritten, Renewed, or Reinstated. Use Case: Simplify your Deal Management with Status Stamp

Revenue Column In List View

Now, within the deal card under list view, we have now introduced the revenue column option, allowing you to easily track the revenue amount associated

Search Field in Assign Agent

Now, we have a dedicated search field for assigning an agent within the Deal card view and Task list. Use Case: Now, with a dedicated

Sample Email for Email Notifications

Our latest update includes a new ‘Sample Email’ preview feature in pipeline notification settings. This feature allows users to preview their email content directly before

Total Revenue as Filter in Pipeline

The Total Revenue Filter in Pipeline helps users focus on deals that meet specific revenue criteria. Users can access it in the pipelines module by

Generic filters

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