InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Automation: Birthday

Follow the simple steps below and create a Happy Birthday automation workflow.

  1. Go to the dashboard of Agency Portal and click on Engagement.
  2. Under the Engagement Module, select Automation and click Create.

3. Select the Happy Birthday workflow and click Next.

Workflow Details

In the workflow setup screen that appears, Add or select the following:

  • Workflow Name: Add suitable campaign name, based on line of business, client type or any other name which has relevance and quick recall.
  • Select the mode to send the workflow (email, text, postcard/letter (, tasks, reminder): To start a campaign for all modes or select particular modes, click on checkboxes for each mode you wish to activate. Orange indicates selected. 
  • Select a list: To address campaigns to any type of contact such as Active clients, Inactive clients, Leads, Prospects, others, select from the drop-down list. You can also click on filter to make a more specific list of recievers.
  • Trigger workflow when the following conditions are met: To set the trigger for delivering the messages on the right day, select Before, Same day or After. 

Designing the workflow

Click Next to start designing the Birthday workflow. The steps to design workflow are mentioned below:

1. Select the sender phone number and email id in From Number and From Email fields.

2. Select the mode of workflow from Email, SMS, Postcard/letter, Task and Reminder.

3. Select template, you can create customized templates through template builder.

4.Type your message and add relevant tags from the right Tag segment. 

5. Click Add new stage on the left to send a series of messages and fill the information you wish to share at each stage .

6. After adding relevant stages, click Next to review the workflow.

7. Click Create