InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

NowCerts Integration

In this article, you will learn:

You can now advantageously use Insuredmine with NowCerts for leveraging productivity and efficiency. This integration allows you to add and access, prospects and client data in both ways.

InsuredMine to NowCerts:

1) Add prospect in IM

  • Go to Contacts and click on + button on the top right corner

The prospect will be automatically synced to nowCerts and is visible in NowCerts

(Login to NowCerts and search the prospect name (1), it shows up in the result (2))

Data Points that will be integrated between Nowcerts & InsuredMine in contact section :

  1. Full Name
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Contact Status (Contact Type)
  5. Contact Number
  6. Email Address
  7. Phone
  8. Address, city, state, zip (for account or primary contact)
  9. Description (for account)
  10. Agency Office (primary contact one way sync – NC to IM)
  11. FEIN (for commercial account)
  12. SSN (for secondary contacts)
  13. DOB
  14. Gender (for secondary contacts)
  15. Type (for secondary contacts)

2) Add a policy to the prospect in IM

  • Go to Policies in IM and click on add Policy button at the top right corner, after filling required fields. Click on the Save and New button at the bottom right corner.
  • The policy will be automatically synced to NowCerts and is visible in NowCerts.(Login to NowCerts and search prospect name, the prospect will be shown as Active and Insured)
  • Click on Details, the added policy can be seen in the Policy section

Data Points that will be integrated between Nowcerts & InsuredMine in the policy section :

1. Category
2. Insurance Type
3. Carrier
4. Policy Number
5. Premium
6. Effective date
7. Expiry date

Note: There will be 2 way sync-up while adding Premium Amount and Total Policy both in Nowcerts & InsuredMine.

Enhancement! June 2020

3) Update Prospect in IM

  • Click on the prospect name and edit the required fields then click on submit
  • Prospects details will be updated, automatically synced to NowCerts and will be visible in NowCerts.

{Please note: While adding Prospect in IM, email id was not added earlier. Here we will add email id to the same contact. (He is no more a prospect as we added policy)}

Adding email to the contact in IM