InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Advanced eSign Features

All information about Advanced eSign Features

Esign sync from IM to Epic

The eSignature Sync function allows the seamless transfer of eSignature documents between InsuredMine and Applied Epic. You have the flexibility to choose between automatic or

Default Signed Date in eSignature

Update – Sign Date is auto-populated in the document to be signed when opened Application – Clients no longer have to fill in the signing

CC in eSignature

Description – This will allow the agents to send the copy of the eSign document to others apart from the recipient, However apart from the

Decline an eSignature 

Description – Decline option added in the eSignature module. Use case – Easier for customers to notify the agent of errors and request for modification

Sign by Agent only under eSignature 

Description – For eSignature documents that do not require a customer signature, agents can enter their signatures and complete the process. Benefit – Agents can

Rename eSign doc

Description- In the eSignature, account360, contact360, and pipeline modules, we can now rename the documents sent for eSignature. Navigation- Navigate to eSignature. Select a document

eSign delete restriction

Description: Admin can restrict the agents\’ access to the eSign delete option, allowing the agent to do so only if they have access to delete

Archived list for the eSigned docs

Description: The archived eSign documents are moved to the archived list. Downloads of the archived list are also available. Benefit: Viewing the archived documents easily

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