InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Others features

Information about Others features

Insurance type filters

If you navigate to Engagement and click on List, you will get the option to select an insurance type. If you navigate to Active Policies, you can click

AMS360 business unit tags

Six new business unit tags have been introduced and can be used for email campaigns, drips, workflow automation, and for creating templates.   Note: These

Lead Source- Email And Phone Tags

In this article, you will learn: Lead Source tags in Templates Lead Source tags in Pipeline Automation Lead Source tags in Single Contact Drip Lead

State Filter in Create List

In this article, you will learn: How to create a New List? ​ Live list option Now you can create a list in the engagement

Welcome Client Notification

Extending a warm welcome to a client is essential for establishing a good connection. Understanding your relationship with client InsuredMine helps build automated response through

Creating a list with female filter

A list can be created by just filtering out only your FEMALE clients. To create a list, follow the steps below. Go to Dashboard and then go to Clients by

Generic filters

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