InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Whether at the top, middle, or bottom… we are always a work in progress


We are all guilty of being negligent, vulnerable, or disorganized at times… especially when it comes to paperwork. But the fact is, not everyone is born with good organizational skills. Organizing your documents and important files takes a backseat for the majority of us. It could be due to lack of time or simply the inclination to procrastinate. Organizing your insurance documents is just a part of this ongoing issue.

Did you know that, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, insurance carriers and related activities contributed $450.3 billion (2.6%) of U.S. gross domestic product in 2014?

In today’s life, everyone deals with an average of 3-5 insurance policies. We may end up having six or seven policies depending upon our needs and lifestyle. In these situations, how do you handle multiple policies, their due dates, premium amounts, contacts, and other details? Unfortunately, it’s as complex as it sounds and most of us have been in this situation multiple times.
We often don’t have access to important insurance information when we need it the most. Is there a solution for this issue? Our answer, here at InsuredMine, is a resounding ‘YES’.

With InsuredMine, you can digitize all your policies with a few clicks and forget about all the paperwork. You can even save PDF copies of all your insurance cards. You can get reminders for all your due dates. Best of all, you’ll have the contact information for your ALL your agents at your fingertips at anytime, anywhere, and on any gadget you choose. Doesn’t it sound refreshing? We thought so.

Check our facts

Why InsuredMine?

  • Dashboard – all your insurance info in one place
  • Reminders – never miss a payment
  • Graphs – understand your policies
  • Access – retrieve information anytime
  • Responsive – view it on any device
  • Insights – gain a deeper understanding

InsuredMine is a group of IT professionals, thinkers, writers, and researchers sharing a common passion for creative problem-solving. We are here to bring digital solutions to age-old issues. We also share and demonstrate a burning desire to make life easier for everyone with the use of technology. That is why we created this personalized dashboard where you can store and manage all of your insurance information securely and easily. The best part is that all this is FREE!

What’s the delay? Sign up and start organizing today!

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