InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

How To Improve Your Insurance Agency Sales

Insurance Agency Sales


We know that agents are always looking for ways to increase the number of insurance agency sales they make each year. That’s why you need a CRM system that can help you do this without overwhelming your staff, and it’s why we designed our InsuredMine CRM specifically with the needs of insurance agents in mind. 

We provide an AIDA (Awareness – Interest – Desire – Action) funnel, which allows you to manage your sales pipeline and close more insurance agency sales through your dashboard. You can also create multiple pipelines and customize stages, so you never have more than one stage open at a time. Track all your activity like emails, meetings, and quotes with InsuredMine’s card-based design to ensure you’re maximizing your revenue potential.

In this post, we’ll explain how to get started building an insurance agency sales process with the help of InsuredMine’s sales features including: 

  1. Sales Pipeline – how you can increase your sales pipeline management and increase your insurance agency sales.
  2. Opportunities – how you can uncover cross-selling and up-selling opportunities for new and existing clients.
  3. Goal Management – set and track your personal sales goals as well as the sales goals of your agents on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. 
  4. Task Management – record and track your daily tasks, set tasks for your agents, and get notified when your agent’s tasks are completed. 
  5. Account 360 Benefits – everything you need to improve your insurance agency’s sales including all important client and prospect info as well as the core vitals of your insurance agency, all in one central and easy to access location. 

Sales Pipeline Management

Using a card-based CRM that categorizes activities such as emails, meetings, quotations, and tracking your agent’s activity is the best way to boost your insurance agency’s sales. 

Creating pipelines is a great way to manage new leads and get them down the pipeline, boosting your insurance agency sales. Each lead that enters your system will go through an easy funnel process, starting with awareness (lead information) and ending in action (revenue). Along the way you can add notes on where they are in each stage of the cycle using InsuredMine’s card-based workflow.

Your insurance agency sales pipeline starts with Awareness (lead information) and ends in Action (revenue), but includes middle stages for Interest (getting them to call you back) and Desire (closing the deal). You can customize each stage by adding notes about where they are in your process. And if things change, you can easily move the card to a different stage.

Create as many pipelines as you need, with customizable stages. Increase the revenue generated through your insurance agency sales by closing more agreements while reducing agent burnout. 


Cross-Selling & Up-Selling Opportunities

To increase your insurance agency sales, you need an insurance CRM that uncovers cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. With InsuredMine, you can increase your revenue with an insurance CRM designed specifically for the industry. Turn your book into a cross-selling and up-selling tool. Make the most of your current accounts by looking for cross-selling and up-selling possibilities that can boost your earnings by 25% to 30%. 

InsuredMine is perfect for you if you have a hard time finding insurance agency sales opportunities in your book through cross-selling and up-selling. With InsuredMine, you can track the total number of opportunities in your book and see which products are most popular with your prospects!


Goal Management

You can use the goal management feature in InsuredMine to focus on how many goals each of your agents have accomplished. What’s even better is that the goal management feature allows you to set up targets individually for all team members (agents and staff).

InsuredMine’s goal management feature keeps you productive and on task. Identify the number of goals each agent has completed, as well as who is responsible for completing them. The interface lets you create a list of tasks that need to be accomplished next with an assigned due date and a progress indicator that shows you how close you are to achieving your goals. 

We know that insurance agents are always looking to increase their insurance agency’s sales. That’s why InsuredMine’s robust goal management features allow your agency to set a monthly revenue target as well as a monthly productivity target that tracks your progress daily, weekly, and monthly all in one place. You can also create individual goals for your team members, so they are aware of the number you expect them to hit and how their performance factors into your overall insurance agency’s sales. 


Task Management

InsuredMine’s task management feature empowers you to prioritize your day and achieve your objectives. The InsuredMine CRM enables you to record your activity and track your progress for all of your initiatives, from making plans to keeping track of a project.

Your staff will be more productive when they know what to accomplish and who is in charge of non-prioritized activities. Your whole team can see what needs to be done and who is accountable for important projects.


Account 360

Each of your accounts is accessible via the InsuredMine Account 360, which provides you with a wealth of information about each account with a quick glance.

InsuredMine gives you easy access to all the important info of each of your customers right inside your InsuredMine dashboard. It offers policy overviews, client insurance info, personal information, email and mobile interactions, and email analysis all in real-time. You can also keep track of the progress of your insurance agency’s sales numbers on the go by tracking your agents’ deals with InsuredMine’s Deal Progress feature.

Use InsuredMine’s smart search feature within Account 360 to find the personal and contact info such as Name, City, Address, Email, and Phone number of both your clients and your prospects. You can use this information to increase your insurance agency sales.


Ready to Improve Your Insurance Agency Sales?

To be successful in the insurance world, you need to constantly increase your insurance agency’s sales. InsuredMine is the perfect insurance CRM platform to help you do just that. Try InsuredMine free today. 

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