InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

The Powerful QQ Catalyst and InsuredMine Integration

Powerful QQ Catalyst and InsuredMine Integration


Recently we spoke with Sean Mooney, the President at Mooney Insurance Brokers, and Nick Jones, the Vice President of Sales/Ops at Brewer Insurance Group. The webinar covered the benefits that Sean and Nick have seen while using the InsuredMine platform, and how InsuredMine helps busy agents simplify the software they use and bring everything under one roof.


So What Is InsuredMine?


InsuredMine is an add-on to any agency management system that is designed and developed to help Insurance Agencies consolidate multiple sales and marketing software into an all-in-one solution. This helps Insurance Agencies increase their revenue, reduce their operating cost, and stay efficient in their day-to-day workflows. The best part? InsuredMine is focused specifically on the insurance industry, which means our product is built with the problems and pain points that most insurance agents already face today.


What Was Life Like Before InsuredMine?


When asked about life before InsuredMine, Nick shared insight into a workflow guided primarily by excel sheets, post-it notes, and the occasional wish and prayer. He even said the sales team’s performance was slipping because the technology they used was too complicated and clunky, but there were no better options on the marketing. As Nick said, “We were looking for one product to help us solve our sales, engagement, marketing, and analytic problems.”

Once they found InsuredMine, Nick said that life got much easier. His team was able to consolidate their tools into InsuredMine alone which helped them get more done in less time. Even better, the InsuredMine technology was simple and easy to use, which meant there wasn’t a steep learning curve either. Nick says that his team does about 50-60% of the work they were originally doing, with the same impact.

When we asked Sean about life before InsuredMine, he gave us insight into all the different tools he was using: Pipedrive for sales, Freshdesk for Customer Service, RingCentral for Text, Mailchimp for Email, SharePoint for Documents, and Gather up for Google Reviews. This duck-taped solution caused many problems for Sean and his team as none of them integrated directly with QQ Catalyst. This meant that Sean’s team had to manually insert the data into each tool which took away time from working directly with customers and resulted in many data entry errors.

Once Sean moved his team from their duck-taped toolset to InsuredMine, he said it was like “night and day”. There were no more data entry problems, the team could work efficiently and effectively, and there was no need for multiple software solutions when only one was needed – InsuredMine.


What Prompted Nick And Sean To Use InsuredMine?

When asked about what led Nick and Sean to consider InsuredMine in the first place, a few common themes emerged. 


Missing Data

The one problem that Nick and Sean both commented on was missing data. For Nick, he knew the CRM had missing data, yet there was no way of finding which accounts and entries were missing data without manually looking into each account. For Sean, he mentioned that because the tools they used did not sync to QQ Catalyst, there were always problems with missing data and double entries.

Consolidation of Tools

Another problem that both Nick and Sean struggled with was the vast array of tools that they were using. From Salesforce to Pipedrive and more, it was hard to keep track of what each tool was being used for, and how the data needed to be imported to work properly.

Can You Relate To Nick and Sean?

If so, you might want to take a look at InsuredMine – It could be the solution to all your data entry problems. Sign up for your free personalized demo here.


How Are You Using The QQ Catalyst X InsuredMine 2 Way Integration?

As Sean says… “I don’t know!” The moral of the story is this: The 2 Way Integration just works. Sean enjoys using it in his agency because he doesn’t have to constantly check if records were updated, if contact information is correct, or if deal cards have been created. He relies on the integration to help him with the manual data entry so he can get back to what he is good at, selling insurance.

Nick was in a similar spot as well. Instead of his team having to continually check if contact information was correct in order for someone to receive a quote, he found that his team was saving up to 30 hours per month using the QQ Catalyst and InsuredMine 2 Way Integration. Similar to Sean, this allows his team to do what they do best, sell insurance.


InsuredMine: The #1 Insurance CRM


InsuredMine is an all-in-one Sales, CRM, and Marketing Automation platform specially designed for Insurance Agencies. The InsuredMine portal is well-integrated with industry-leading AMS software for Insurance Agencies. InsuredMine helps agents to convert prospects, engage and retain clients based on its SEAM model of Sales, Engagement, Analytics, and Mobility.

Our Agency Portal helps your insurance agents manage workflows and develop an insight into the agency’s performance through accurate and real-time analytics. As Nick and Sean both stated in this webinar, InsuredMine allows for them to spend less time on the manual data entry, and more time on consulting, advising, and serving their customers.

Did you resonate with Nick and Sean’s stories? Are you also struggling with data entry problems and inefficient workflows? We might have a solution for you.

Sign up for a free demo today, and experience the #1 Insurance CRM on the market.


Watch The Full Webinar Below


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