InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

InsuredMine & NowCerts- Partnering Together to Create the Magic of Seamless Data Integration


What is a CRM, and how it works?

CRM is not a functionality; it’s a strategy that revolves around the philosophy of better customer experience. As per the CX statistics that got recently published in Forbes, 86 percent of customers are ready to pay more for an enriched customer experience. At the same time, 60 percent of customers are more inclined towards profitability. Remember, it often happens that every 1 out of 3 customers leave the brand or will not avail of the services just because of one single reason. Guess what? It’s only because of one negative experience.

A sturdy CRM with numerous customer-centric features will help to secure repeated business. The more you serve, the more you grow!

If we talk about the insurance domain, where agents have to survive the cut-throat competition for providing better products, coverages and service, there is just one hidden window that can bring you more business. Do you want to know what that window is? It’s a well-integrated CRM.

A CRM platform helps to integrate multiple facets of an insurance business. Moreover, it’s cost-effective as it enables you to connect people and help break down the data silos, providing you a complete real-time picture of what’s going on in your business.

What is an AMS?

Agency Management System (AMS) helps insurance agencies organize their book of business, which enables them to run their operations effectively. AMS helps you with data and information about carriers, policies and coverages i.e. the focus is all around policies.

What is CRM and AMS integration and how it works?

It is possible an Agency Management System by itself can help you manage your Insurance Agency to drive sales and service policies. It is like using a swiss knife to cut the trunk of a tree. Yes you are right, it is not the right tool for it. You need a chainsaw. Thus to manage sales and marketing for an Agency, you need a sales system i.e. a CRM. CRM is the chainsaw for your agency. The right tool to do the right job.

Magic is not created in having a wonderful customer focused CRM or a policy focused AMS but When an AMS and CRM are partnered. Magic is created in data sync. “Integrity of data is so important. It is priceless” Josh Hernandez – Sogo Insurance.  Add data in one system and it reflects real time with no touch in another system be it for data comprehensiveness or just for E&C and record keeping purposes. AMS and CRM integration is a game changer where Agencies do not have to limit themselves with AMS options and crib about not having the tool or ability to plug in the tool to be more efficient and get better results. Integration between CRM and AMS helps insurance agents stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Seamless integration between a CRM and AMS caters to some of the major insurance industry’s pain points- marketing, sales, support and communications.

This seamless data integration and uninterrupted communication will help the individual insurance agents cross-sell and up-sell more efficiently while generating repeated sales of the existing clients.

InsuredMine & NowCerts- Partnering to thrive Insurance business.

Here’s the good news for all our existing users and all the insurance agents looking for an all-in-one integrated system to help them accelerate their growth. InsuredMine and Nowcerts have joined hands to provide a better user experience by bringing seamless data integration between CRM and AMS. When we are talking about user experience, we mean both insurance agents and insureds. To accelerate sales, it is mandatory to have a secure and responsive system that can help you with uninterrupted communication and a systemized sales funnel to drive better business.

What does two-way integration do?

Two-way API integration allows information to be sent back and forth within two software with an API (connector programming code). Through the two-way integration, if an agent adds, deletes, or updates data in one system, the same action will occur in the other system that is already integrated with the other system. And the best thing is, there is no double entry!

What is InsuredMine, and how is it creating a difference in the Insurance Market?

InsuredMine is an all-in-one integrated CRM solution that enables insurance agencies to optimize their business and help them accomplish three business goals, convert, engage, and retain. Convert more prospects or strangers to clients, engage with more prospects and clients and retain more clients. InsuredMine helps you accomplish these three goals with its time tested 4 module approach – SEAM. Sales, Engagement, Analytics, and Mobility, Insuredmine provides firm support to the Agency Management Systems so that end users can generate better business.

What is NowCerts, and how will it work after the integration with InsuredMine?

NowCerts is a cloud-based insurance agency management system (AMS) for agencies. NowCerts AMS manage and improve your business results through various vital functionalities that include policy management, endorsements, permissions, reminders, invoice and receipts, ACORD forms, task management, and self-service certificates.

With the help of two-way integration between NowCerts and InsuredMine, insurance agents can accelerate their sales, optimize the workflow, streamline operations, and enhance client communication while managing policies and endorsements without double entry.

What all will be integrated between NowCerts and InsuredMine?

  1. Two-way Real-Time integration includes- Contacts, Policies, Tasks, Notes, Property, Vehicle, Drivers, SMS.
  2. NowCerts to InsuredMine Only– Documents and Coverage
  3. InsuredMine to NowCerts Only– Activities and Campaigns
  • If an agent adds contacts, documents, policies, tasks, text, notes, drivers, vehicles, call records, properties either in InsuredMine or NowCerts can sync it with the other system in real-time.
  • Agents can pull the Policy coverage to InsuredMine client profiles as soon as the data gets updated in Nowcerts.
  • Insurance agents can send drip campaigns (email/text) from InsuredMine, and it will get stored in Nowcerts communications.
  • Agents can manage sales in InsuredMine, but post-sales, all the carrier’s policy data will flow back from Nowcerts to InsuredMine.

What are all new for NowCerts users that can make them work more efficiently?

  • Automated pipeline cards creation using Zaps with automated drips.
  • Creating renewal cards in different pipelines for personal and commercial lines with automated drips
  • Running email and text campaigns for
  • agency announcement
  • Holidays campaigns
  • natural disaster announcement in coastal areas with preparations and claims
  • Scheduler link in signature and all the automated emails
  • Forms for collecting missing info and referrals
  • Getting payment from the clients using tranzpay
  • Automations for birthday, renewals, and cross-sell
  • Welcome email for the new clients
  • “Thank you” handwritten cards to the new clients
  • Track your monolines and Cross-sell opportunities
  • BONUS – Clean up Carriers and Category data

To know more about the two-way integration between NowCerts and InsuredMine, watch this webinar:

Hey, want to know more about our other integrations:

Two-way integration between InsuredMine and AMS360-

Two-way integration between InsuredMine and QQ Catalyst-

Two-way integration between InsuredMine and HawkSoft-

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