InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Magnify your business efficiency with InsuredMine Insurance Workflow Automation


Orchestrate your work process with integrated automation to produce desired business results.

Workflow Automation is the key to success for every insurance agency. It’s the ultimate solution to rectify and improve inefficient and time-consuming business processes. As per a research done by Mckinsey, it suggests that near about 45 percent of employee cost can be reduced if those tasks can be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies. With InsuredMine, every insurance agency can achieve its primary goal to minimize operational costs and increase its ROI. InsuredMine presents a customized insurance workflow automation tool that can turn to be one of the most valuable assets for any insurance agency.

, Magnify your business efficiency with InsuredMine Insurance Workflow Automation

“It will save 40-50 hours each month by eliminating an excel sheet” says Andy managing an Agency for 30+ years!

With InsuredMine workflow automation, we help insurance agents to save hundreds of work hours every year per employee.

With InsuredMine you can design and manage end-to-end workflows. We help to deliver a competitive customer experience with automated workflows.

What is Workflow Automation?

Workflow Automation refers to the planning and execution of business operations via automation. The whole process of workflow automation is based on a systematic approach where human tasks, files, and data are routed between systems and people based on pre-defined business rules.

, Magnify your business efficiency with InsuredMine Insurance Workflow Automation

Why Workflow Automation Is Used? 

If you want to create some significant improvements in your business process and want to experience a better outcome, then you need to pull yourself out from the manual process and immediately adopt an automated process that is systematic and evenly planned. By automating workflows, significant improvements can be made in:

  • Productivity
  • Efficiency
  • Accuracy
  • Accountability

A major improvement can be experienced, especially for those processes that are primarily handled manually by employees.

Automated Workflow Vs Manual Workflow:

Automated workflows are far better than manual work processes. Especially in the insurance industry where time has been a major constraint. Automated workflows help to reduce approval cycles, and improve visibility through continuous process improvements. Finally, it enables business managers to evolve with better workload management.

, Magnify your business efficiency with InsuredMine Insurance Workflow Automation

Workflow Property Automated Workflow Manual Workflow
Managing process Business process is programmed to auto-assign tasks, along with system generated reminders and follow-ups Requires human push and follow-ups
Time required Shorter Longer
Transparency Workflow status is visible to all Difficult to know the workflow status
Communication All business communications remain documented within the workflow management tool Mostly verbal communication or written communication that is disorganized.
Documents storage & protection Cloud storage, secured, as there is no scope of manual documentation Manual documentation and storage, chances of physical damage
Error Type Majorly error-free except for data input error. Huge error scope depending on the employee coordination.

Workflow Automation from InsuredMine 

In InsuredMine the workflow automation helps to create a series of automated actions for each step involved in your business process starting from chasing your leads, quoting them, following them up, converting them, and retaining them. Our insurance workflow automation can be used to improve everyday insurance sales processes because when your work flows in an uninterrupted manner, you can concentrate on getting more business done and thus focus on the other major things that matter. The workflow automation in insurance domain allows your sales and operations teams to spend more time developing other necessary plans of action.

Efficient workflow automation will help you to save both time and money, and also minimizes the likelihood of errors.

Three major reasons why InsuredMine workflow automation has been a major tool for all insurance agents:

  • Simplifies complex tasks to reduce execution time and cost.
  • Uses built-in reporting and governance to monitor real-time performance.
  • Helps to improve the overall customer experience.

InsuredMine helps in Streamlining the Workflow Process in the Insurance Industry

InsuredMine’s unified CRM portal helps in creating automated workflows that helps insurance agencies to bridge the gap between agents and clients. Digitizing cumbersome manual work processes with intuitive and easy-to-share forms, pre-built email templates, workflows, InsuredMine boosts productivity and optimizes processes to reduce friction in everyday business. InsuredMine is one of the top-rated Insurance Marketing Automation tool, that helps to manage your leads using an effective Insurance Sales Funnel. It also helps you to manage the complete sales lifecycle , through an end-to -end digital platform.

Watch out to know more about InsuredMine:

To know more about InsuredMine workflow automation:

Sales Automation

Engagement Automation


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