InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Why did InsuredMine roll out SSO (Single Sign-on)?


The security of data is of prime concern for many organizations and the insurance industry is no exception as it deals with large amounts of clients’ confidential information. To address security concerns, InsuredMine has rolled out Single Sign-On (SSO) for centralized session and user authentication process.

SSO helps agents use the same user credentials that they use as an employee for an agency via active directory. Instead of having to remember InsuredMine credentials, their login will be verified with their user id and password that they use to login into the Agency system. This level of security and active directory (AD) setup may not be accomplished by smaller agencies but most of the large agencies have AD setup and so the credential management, user count management with higher security login becomes way more easier.
single sign-on, Why did InsuredMine roll out SSO (Single Sign-on)?

How does SSO work?

As explained by AWSSSO provides a user portal so that your users can find and access all of their assigned accounts and applications from one place, using their existing corporate credentials.Single Sign-on is an identity authentication process that takes in the token as a single username and password set, and verifies its information with other trusted websites to provide access. As an example, one of our corporate clients is using Microsoft’s Active Directory and user management system to track and manage access. When they deployed InsuredMine, we didn’t have to create seperate logins for each user, rather we synced up with their current employee user id and password for their login. As long as they are active in the agency system (i.e. as long as they are employees) they will have access to the system. This way the information is secure and hackers cannot access it as the password is not encrypted on InsuredMine servers. It simply works like a card to verify identity.
single sign-on, Why did InsuredMine roll out SSO (Single Sign-on)?

7 Benefits of SSO (Single Sign-on) for Insurance Agents

  • Authentication through various means: It’s possible to add security questions or authentication codes to verify the identity of the user. Unauthorized user access can be prevented with multifactor authentication.
  • Reduce password reset and related IT support costs: A large number of support tickets are related to resetting passwords. Gartner’s research states that 20-50% of helpdesk cost is for a password reset and the average cost of the helpdesk to reset the single password is $70.

  • Boost productivity: Single interface, one-click login, enables users to accomplish all the tasks within a unified module. One convenient portal has access to all the necessary resources. Users can easily remember the password, as they just have to memorize one set of credentials.
  • Manifests transparency: Soliciting user confidence while sharing credentials and contact details ensures user approval and trust in the agency. While asking for credential permission there is always an option to opt-out. Thereby, extending transparency of operations and ruling out any chances of the user feeling deceived by any means.
  • Handling massive data securely: Agencies dealing with cloud and on-ground data have higher risk and compliance issues. Managing such data is a mammoth task for every agency employee, be it a manager or a CSR, as the data flows in all directions.  SSO assists in providing protected access to retrieve information. For instance, CSR can log in through SSO credentials on any device without compromising security.
  • Ease of operation: Easily adaptable user interface facilitates consumer satisfaction. Users no longer need to remember multiple login credentials for URLs, hop on and off to reset passwords or repeatedly login for feature refresh.
  • Increase Technical adoption: SSO makes the sign-in process a smooth sail, fostering a spurt in the number of users adopting the software. Additionally, it mitigates the risk of software fails due to a tedious software sign-in process.

Every technology has twin faces- a positive side and another driven by unfavorable conceptions. SSO also has a flip side to it. There are arguments against it that it weakens data security. But, if a strong password is set and carefully used, you cannot be a victim of cybercrime.  There is also the argument that SSO doesn’t include the complete capabilities of Identity and access management. In spite of these arguments, SSO continues to be a preference for users and agents for sheer simplicity and efficiency. 
single sign-on, Why did InsuredMine roll out SSO (Single Sign-on)? InsuredMine Sign-on
Integrating features of SSO (Single sign-on) leveraging Microsoft Azure Active Directory for user convenience, enhanced productivity and cost-effectiveness along with Identity and access management functionality, InsuredMine has stepped up security and business competency for its clients. Streamlining Agency Portal for agency users and agents alike, InsuredMine continues to aim to deliver reliable, customized solutions for sales and marketing automation services. 

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