The InsuredMine Blog

Wrap Up!: Essential InsuredMine Features to Try Before 2025!
As we get ready for the next chapter which is 2025, InsuredMine CRM has rolled out some fantastic features this year that you might not

Focus on Security: Why did InsuredMine invest in PenTest
Table of Contents What is a PenTest? PenTest stands for Penetration Test: A Simulated Cyber Attack to assess the system’s security. During PenTesting assessment

AgencyZoom Sold to Vertafore – InsuredMine CRM Perspective
InsuredMine’s position on the recent news that our partners at Vertafore have announced the acquisition of AgencyZoom into their cache of products, and we could not be happier for them.

What is the IAOA Innovation 2021 Conference?
As I started my journey to learn about this conference called IAOA Innovation 21 which I will be attending November 4th, 5th & 6th, my

Frequently Asked Questions About InsuredMine Pricing And Payments
Are you a current or future user of the InsuredMine platform? If that’s the case, there are certain questions you might have around InsuredMine’s pricing

Frequently Asked Questions About The InsuredMine Platform and Subscription
Are you a current or future user of the InsuredMine platform? If that’s the case, there are certain questions regarding your subscription, the browsers you

Benefits of Mobile App For Insured/Policyholder
When you think of why a customer might place a higher value on Geico or Progressive than on an agent, the answer may be in

Press Release
InsuredMine powers Direct Work Comp to be 100% digital workers compensation insurance solution RICHARDSON, TEXAS, USA, May 26, 2020 / — Direct Work Comp

7 steps to guide an Insurance agent towards success
In 2016, the estimated total number of independent Agencies in the United States stood at 38,000, according to Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America

InsureTech Connect 2018 (ITC2018): InsuredMine Perspective -It’s a half bitten Apple
We all know the success story of the half bitten Apple. Â At InsuredMine we are not kidding when we draw the analogy with what happened

7 Customer Engagement Strategies for Insurance Agents in 2019
Engagement is a tricky term. It is halfway to a promise, but a long way from commitment. Agent-customer relationships also work in a similar fashion.

Travel Safety and Trip Coverage for Spring Breakers
Spring break is a much-awaited vacation for most families and young adults. Whether you are traveling domestic or to an exotic far off location, insuring